The Embassy of Ireland in China is pleased to announce that Ireland will once again attend the China International Fair for Trade in Services (2023 CIFTIS) by hosting an Ireland National Pavilion.
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Ireland National Pavilion
国家会议中心 E2-07 展位
E2-07, China National Convention Center
Ireland has been a regular participant in CIFITS in recent years culminating in being awarded County of Honor status in 2021. Ireland's National Pavilion won “Best Exhibition” and was praised by those who visited. It fully demonstrated the charm of Ireland - The Emerald Isle - famous for its investment attractions, top agri-food, higher education, high-tech and innovation, as well as its picturesque landscapes and unique cultural experiences.
Hight lights
Financial Services Companies
As a global hub for finance, technology, and investor activity, Ireland is a hotbed of Fintech innovation. It helps the industry respond to challenges and opportunities, from the digitization of banking, to new payment models and ever-changing compliance requirements.
Advanced Medical Technology
爱尔兰独特的协作生态系统催生了世界上最具创新性、集成化和全球化的医疗技术中心之一。大学研究、政府支持的研发中心和商业合作正在推动爱尔兰的医疗科技创新。40多年来发展起来的深厚的监管和合规专业知识意味着,爱尔兰现在是欧洲第二大医疗科技产品出口国,也是欧洲人均医疗科技专业人员的最大雇主。爱尔兰贸易科技局的客户Novaerus, Aerogen 和Nasal Medical将亮相该展区,展示他们在医疗技术领域的能力。
Ireland’s uniquely collaborative ecosystem has given rise to one of the world’s most innovative, integrated, and globalized MedTech hubs. University research, government-supported R&D centers and business collaboration are driving MedTech innovation in Ireland. Deep regulatory and compliance expertise developed over 40 years means that Ireland is now the second largest exporter of MedTech products in Europe and the biggest employer of MedTech professionals in Europe per capita. Two client companies of Enterprise Ireland, Novaerus, Aerogen and Nasal Medical, will participate at the Enterprise Ireland Stand displaying their capabilities in the MedTech sector.
Exhibition of Ireland’s Higher Education
Education in Ireland is among the best in the world and has been renowned for its high quality and accessibility since the Middle Ages. The tradition of excellence in education is widely recognized around the world. Ireland's higher education system covers many key fields, including software and information engineering, finance, medicine, and biological engineering. It is an English-speaking country with a safe and friendly study and living environment. There is a focus on entrepreneurship there, and the study visa supports 2 years of work post-graduation. This has attracted talent from all over the world. During the 2023 CIFTIS, Education in Ireland will bring together three prominent Irish institutions – University College Cork, Dublin City University, and Dundalk Institute of Technology – to showcase Ireland's higher education system and its unique strengths.
China-EU Geographical Indication Products High Class Food and Drink
爱尔兰是世界知名的农业大国,农副产品出口到全球180多个国家和地区,在对外贸易中发挥着重要作用。爱尔兰生产的食品90%都用于出口, 目前,中国是爱尔兰第六大农业食品出口市场。步入后疫情时代,中国消费者的消费观念发生了转变,他们更加追求健康的生活方式和生活理念,对食品的溯源、品质及安全也更加重视——而天然的原料、优异的产品品质和严格的食品安全管控,正是爱尔兰整个农业板块的优势,也是爱尔兰长期以来对传统农业进行持续科技创新、同时在环保及可持续发展领域不断加码的成果。此次爱尔兰国家馆将为大家展示由代表性的爱尔兰乳制品,以及两款中欧互认地理标识认证产品—爱尔兰威士忌和爱尔兰奶油利口酒。
Agriculture/Food is the most important indigenous industry in Ireland with 90% of Ireland's food products exported to more than 180 countries and regions around the world, acting as a pillar of the country's overall foreign trade. China is the sixth largest food export market of Ireland. Entering the post-pandemic era, we see obvious changes in Chinese consumers' consumption habits, they are more in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and raising expectations on traceability, quality, and safety of food. Natural raw materials, excellent product quality, and strict food safety control are the advantage of the agri-food sector in Ireland and that is also a result of Ireland's long-term continuous scientific and technological innovation, as well as its continuous efforts in environmental protection and sustainable development. This year the Ireland National Pavilion will be showcasing representative dairy products and the two Geographical Indication products: Irish whiskey and cream liqueur.
Irish Folk Music Performance
爱尔兰音乐有鲜明的特点。节奏,或长或欢快,总是传达丰富而真诚的情感,充满了坚忍的力量和淡淡的悲伤。演奏时使用的乐器并不多,传统乐队通常会使用爱尔兰小提琴(Fidil或veidhlin)、木笛(Fliuit或Feadóg mhór)或哨子(Feadog stain)、手风琴和菩提兰鼓。在聆听传统音乐时,观众往往能感受到爱尔兰独特的吸引力: 高山的绿色,风在脸上,海浪拍打着岩石,溪流在山林中跳跃着轻快的音调。爱尔兰民族强大、浪漫的一面也体现在所有这些美好的想象中。在现代,许多古典管弦乐器也出现在爱尔兰音乐中,甚至原声吉他也经常被使用。用哨子和风笛演奏的著名电影《泰坦尼克号》原声带感动了无数人。
Irish music has distinct characteristics. The rhythms convey rich and sincere emotions, and are full of both strength and sadness. A select number of instruments are used when playing, with a traditional band usually incorporating an Irish Fiddle (Fidil or veidhlin) , a wooded flute (Fliuit or Feadóg mhór) or whistle (Feadog stain), an accordion and a Bodhrán. When listening to the traditional music, the audience can often feel the unique attractiveness of Ireland: the lush green landscapes, the sea breeze, the waves crashing against the shore, the stream flowing through the mountain forest. The strong, romantic side of the Irish nation is revealed in all these beautiful imaginations. In modern times, many classical orchestral instruments also appear in Irish music -even acoustic guitars are often used. The famous soundtrack of the movie Titanic played by whistles and bagpipes has touched millions of people.
Photo-op Spot
2023年爱尔兰服贸会国家馆还将为您呈现一个充满惊喜的 “打卡”角落,带您走入如诗如画的都柏林街头,感受到风从海边轻轻拂过,街角的咖啡香气扑鼻而来。或者,您也可以带上精致的爱尔兰特色饰品,想象自己加入圣帕特里克节的狂欢游行,与节庆的人群一同载歌载舞。来到爱尔兰国家馆,与我们一同感受那份愉悦,那份属于爱尔兰的独特魅力
The 2023 CIFTIS National Pavilion will also unveil a delightfully engaging "Photo-op Spot " for you. Allow visitors to ‘step into’ the picturesque streets of Dublin, feeling the gentle breeze from the sea and the aroma of coffee wafting from the street corners. Alternatively, you can adorn yourself with Irish-themed accessories and imagine joining the exuberant parade of the St. Patrick's Day festivities, dancing and singing alongside the celebratory crowd. At the Irish National Pavilion, immerse yourself in the same joy, and the unique charm that belongs to the Emerald Isle.
国家会议中心 E2-07 展位
We'll see you at CIFTIS in September!